Stick to these Resolutions!
Every January most of us make a bunch of promises to ourselves. We start the year out right, eating better, exercising, and having more work/life balance. But somewhere between 01 January and 08 January, statistics tell us that a quarter of us have already thrown in the towel (and there’s a barrage of reasons for it including our self-conscious that just wants to be nurtured).
Some smart person once said “great things come from great vices.” It’s time to quit feeling guilty about those old new years’ resolutions and, instead, this year set a bunch of resolutions that you CAN keep, that are FUN and soul-rewarding. Here’s my go-to list:
Drink More
you don’t need to be specific here … sure water is key and our 2023 vintage will be sublime (because we’ve just changed all our water filters) … but you could also partake in a more diverse selection of wine, a few new cocktails and some eclectic craft brews to expand your tasting experience and enjoyment. If you’re at the bottle shop, buy a different grape variety or one from a region – one you’ve not yet tried. And while you’re at it, why not try a new brand of coffee or tea, too, if that’s your thing?
Play With Your Food
Food exploration is one of the great things in life. Experiencing new cultures through their cuisine, new takes on old classics and dishes that challenge your senses are a change from the everyday boring your soul will love you for. It’s one of the reasons that we change up our menu pretty much every week … we love playing with fresh seasonal ingredients and getting creative. And we thank you for being our willing taste testers! And for those nights where you’re on your own, try a new recipe in the kitchen, or a new take out if you must. But go ahead, order those waffle fries.
Waste More Time
Giving ourselves time to unwind and relax is something many of us don’t do (or we do it in front of Netflix with a bag of potato chips). Instead, grab a friend and find somewhere to while away a few hours with quality conversation and connection (this is one of the reasons we don’t have sittings or time restrictions on our non-event bookings). I guarantee you’ll feel much better for it and probably feel like it’s been incredibly valuable. And once you’ve done it, try and see how much more time you can ‘waste’.
Rest Regularly
Our lives are so frantically busy keeping this one might be a challenge to meet. Taking time out to properly rest and relax is critical to a healthy body and mind. Factoring in a day for rest each week allows the body to properly recover and recharge for the week ahead. Do whatever makes you happy that you find restful. That’s not the shopping or ‘life admin’. But rather those things you never get time to do, like reading, sleeping, and even daydreaming. So take a bubble bath, get that massage, be a couch potato, take time to smell those flowers. Even althetes schedule a day of rest, and so did God, and we have our hospo-Monday off. So you deserve a day of rest too.
Sing Like a Rock Star
Exercising your vocal cords in song creates a whole host of health benefits, including lowering stress, boosting immunity and lung function, enhancing memory, improving mental health, and reducing physical pain. Even if you can’t carry a tune, sing along every day when you’re in the car, shower, or home alone. And if we’re playing something at the bar, feel free to sing along quietly … just be mindful of other patrons.
Cry and Let it Go
OK, maybe not at the bar, home is a better option. Because just like your ‘love’ bucket needs replenishing, your sadness bucket needs regular emptying, best on a weekly basis. So grab a box of kleenex, watch a tear-jerker once a week and let it all out. It’s cathartic. My go-to movies are Schindler’s List, The Lake House, Up, Steel Magnolias, A Star is Born, Life is Beautiful and Selena. But you could also try The Pursuit of Happyness, My Girl, Titanic, Beaches, Dead Poets Society, The Notebook, and E.T., depending on your preferred genre.
Buy Fancy Facemasks
COVID-19 has given us permission to buy and wear all manner of fancy face masks. This goes hand in hand with ‘carry and use as much hand sanitiser as I like’. And whilst they’re not mandatory in our bar, do feel free to use them both liberally … we don’t mind at all.
Learn New Jokes
This one is especially for our friend, Mark, who does keep us liberally entertained with “dad” jokes. But learning a new joke and understanding how to deliver it well can provide a much-needed laugh to others and put a smile on their dial. Feel free to share them with us. Just make sure they’re funny!
Own It
If you dealt it, own it. It’s not fair to keep blaming the dog … even at the bar.
Travel Somewhere New
Travel might make us poorer, but it makes our lives ‘richer’. As much as we’d love you all just to visit us, trust is there’s so much to explore across our great state and country. But instead of thinking just destinations, somewhere ‘new’ might be an exhibition, museum, gallery or show which gives us a new outlook on life. And if you have travelled somewhere particularly impressive, please do tell us about it and share any pictures you have!
If you really want to make your resolutions stick, here are the keys!
- Set REALISTIC goals
- DEFINE your goals and make sure each goal is clear, concise, and has a deadline for completion
- PLAN for success by breaking larger goals into smaller ‘bite-size’ ones
- SET MILESTONES so your progress can be tracked
- READ your goals every night, and visualise yourself having completed them before you go to sleep
- REVIEW your progress weekly at a minimum
- Find a way of holding yourself ACCOUNTABLE (usually to someone else works best)
- CELEBRATE each Milestone with some small reward, with a larger reward for Goal Achievement
- RESET your goals once they are achieved.
REMEMBER! Whilst the right road to success is essential, it’s not always a direct route. There will be detours and turns along the way … so hang in there!